Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ionic "Detox" Foot Bath Machines

I was thrilled to receive a copy of a new magazine called simply, Footbath Magazine. Finally someone is exposing the truth about those phony color charts. The above page says it all!

I've had an Aqua Chi footbath for years now after my friend Linda Schaumleffel, former Olympic rower turned car crash victim (fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, brain damage) told me it was the best thing that ever happened to her. She gave me a treatment in hers and that evening I took the deepest breath I had taken in probably 20 years. The next day I ordered my own machine.

After about 5 sessions I noticed that a large patch of fungus on my skin had completely vanished. For years I had tried many creams and homeopathic and herbal remedies on it to no avail. Keep in mind that previous to this I worked for an excellent holistic doctor and had access to many wonderful things but my fungus remained. Was it a fluke?

The next victim was my Mom. She's got fibromyalgia. About 20-25 sessions later--of of these days I will learn to keep track of such details--all pain was gone and remained gone for well over a year before a tune-up was needed.

I've had well over 100 different people in my Aqua Chi with no adverse effect and many happy customers. A few people bought cheap machines on ebay and found they didn't work. One of my friend has a well known brand but bought the Aqua Chi as an additional one and now it's all she uses since the results are better.

For more details on the Aqua Chi click here: